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 noutati DayZ

In jos 
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Numarul mesajelor : 1141
Varsta : 50
Location : Bucharest
Lungimea cozii : 1719
M.P.G.S. (Most popular girl in school) : 10
Data de inscriere : 21/09/2011

noutati DayZ  Empty
MesajSubiect: noutati DayZ    noutati DayZ  I_icon_minitimeVin Noi 30, 2012 7:48 am

Dev Report: November 2012

The current phase:

Our development focus is 100% on core technology, the key architecture, and not on features (yet). A major stream developing assets also runs in parallel to the core development team.

Due to the success of the development so far, and the interest in the project in general - we decided we want to do things properly. This means we have been very bold with our architectural changes. We are moving to the server-client MMO architecture model. We are making weapons and items ‘entities”, meaning we can support customization and variables assigned against items. As discussed previously, this is a massive departure from the previous engine. In many ways, once this phase is completed - one could effectively say that DayZ is running on a new version of the engine. While the graphics may look the same (for now), under the hood so much is being completely rewritten.

Let me make this very clear, our foundation release (targeted for this year), is simply the beginning. We are committed to a period of development of at least 12 months beyond that. Our aim is to make this foundation strong, and use that time to improve the mechanics not through hacks, but through sound and quality development. Our initial build will test that this base architecture works.

I want to confirm the following:
•Most settings will be forced server-side, such as gameplay and graphical settings (view distance, shadow distance, etc…). The exact nature of this and specific settings is very much subject to change, but this will be a significant departure from how it is currently with the mod.
•Release will be on steam, using many of steams key features such as delta patching, VAC, server browsing technology. Patches to steam can be deployed by the click of a button in our build pipeline thanks to new technology developed by Steam, that is making our process extremely easy and exciting. We are very pleased that Steam is working with us so actively to make DayZ a great game and supporting us with quality features. I met many at the team at Valve at PAX, and really want to get them playing the game and getting their feedback to help in development. I’m incredibly thankful to people like Chet Faliszek (creator of L4D) who has been very supportive and helpful to me.
•In using Steam for authentication, distribution, server browsing, etc… we are able to tap into their awesome resources in terms of scalability. The only hardware we then need to manage is the central database, which we already have some experience managing thanks to the DayZ mod. This means we can work towards avoiding the usual launch problems, by relying on the experience of Steam.
•The controls have been completely rethought, using inspiration and design lessons from games such as Minecraft to make the player more engaged with their environment
•Animations are being cleaned up to feel more responsive. This means trimming some transitions, so that you get quicker feedback from pressing the key to action (removing he “clunkiness” or “sluggishness”)
•Player clothing is being implemented including: headwear, jackets, trousers, footwear, etc..
•Weapons and items are now “entities”. This means they are more object oriented in structure, allowing weapon customization, degradation - the possibilities become endless. This is a major, huge, shift in engine architecture.
•The Server controls character actions, a player’s client sends its requests and the server decides if this is possible. Our lead programmer in the company, Ondrej Spanel, is working on this currently. I believe this is one of the most radical changes ever implemented in the engine since Operation Flashpoint was released, and turns DayZ from an FPS into a true MMO.
•A full-time map designer has also started work on ChernarusPlus now, redeveloping the world, placing new assets and buildings, fixing bugs, and creating new areas. This is in addition to the work done by Ivan and Maxell and will continue for the remainder of DayZ development.
•The UI has been completely reworked, focusing on simplicity. We have studied games that we believe are leaders in this area, such as Minecraft, and are focusing on providing functionality without fancy complexity in this regard.
•We have some outstanding former community members working on the project as paid members of the team. I hope to showcase their work and interview them on here for you, in the coming weeks and months. We are actively searching for more to bring them onto the team.

The future:

We are still working towards a target for an initial foundation before the end of the year. But we will slip this date if needed, we will not compromise the project for the short-term gain of meeting this date. The reasons for any slippage would be publicly discussed, and would most likely represent a failure personally on my part to plan correctly. We will be assessing the results of our major architectural changes at the end of next week, and reporting the results to everyone when we have assessed that.

Screenshots, videos, etc… will unfortunately have to wait. As they say, loose lips sink ships.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1846
Varsta : 42
Location : Constanta
Lungimea cozii : 2609
M.P.G.S. (Most popular girl in school) : 6
Data de inscriere : 18/05/2008

noutati DayZ  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: noutati DayZ    noutati DayZ  I_icon_minitimeVin Noi 30, 2012 2:27 pm

deci una peste alta se anunta schimbari majore in day z, acum ti se si degradeaza armele, sper sa nu se rupa si adidasii ca atunic chiar o sa am probleme:))). din ce am citit pana acici pare mai realist si asa cum tot ei spuneau intr-un interviu postat de mine, ceea ce face un joc grozav este ceea ce nu pui in el, cum ar fi bani si alte lucruri de genul asta. Una peste alta War Z pare mai mult un loc de intalinire, iok intram omoram cateva sute de monstrii, adunam niste iteme pe care le vindem sau le schimbam la troc , in schimb ce day z ramane un mediu ostil unde primeaza lupta pentru resurse limitate. Poate intr-un final o sa le am pe amandoua dar asa din povestite parca ma atrage mai mult Day Z
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 1141
Varsta : 50
Location : Bucharest
Lungimea cozii : 1719
M.P.G.S. (Most popular girl in school) : 10
Data de inscriere : 21/09/2011

noutati DayZ  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: noutati DayZ    noutati DayZ  I_icon_minitimeDum Dec 02, 2012 1:30 am

ramii la DayZ, am tot citit ultimele zile si nu-mi pare treaba serioasa WarZ.
In fine, pina la sfirsitul lui decembrie e tot timpul sa urmarim in continuare.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1846
Varsta : 42
Location : Constanta
Lungimea cozii : 2609
M.P.G.S. (Most popular girl in school) : 6
Data de inscriere : 18/05/2008

noutati DayZ  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: noutati DayZ    noutati DayZ  I_icon_minitimeDum Dec 02, 2012 2:03 am

ceva imi zice ca mai devreme sau mai tarziu o sa le avem pe amandoua, doar ca sincer in momentul acesta mis-ar parea o prostie sa aruncam banii pe una din ele. Avem deja un MMO zombie, vin reducerile deci poate sa si-l ia si cosa si laura daca vrea si pana nu vom avea cele 2 stand alone lansate avem ce juca, dupa o vedem ce ofera fiecare si o sa ne decidem. Asta cu day z e o preferinta personala si un credit acordat de mine celor de la Bohemia intercative, bazat pe ce produse am vazut pana acum la ei, dar o hotarare finala zic so o amanam pana o sa avem ambele jocuri pe taraba.
Sus In jos
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noutati DayZ  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: noutati DayZ    noutati DayZ  I_icon_minitime

Sus In jos
noutati DayZ
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