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 Pach in stil Saidin

In jos 
2 participan?i

Numarul mesajelor : 1846
Varsta : 42
Location : Constanta
Lungimea cozii : 2609
M.P.G.S. (Most popular girl in school) : 6
Data de inscriere : 18/05/2008

Pach in stil Saidin Empty
MesajSubiect: Pach in stil Saidin   Pach in stil Saidin I_icon_minitimeVin Ian 18, 2013 8:29 am

Name plates have been added to players. These name plates will display when you target another player.
New reputation titles have been added to the game. Reputation icons will display under nameplates for easy identification of friendly or foe! (everyone's titles will be reset to civilian) Please see our dev diaries for a detailed explanation tomorrow morning (1/18/13).
Leaderboards have been added to the games main menu.
Every new character will now start with a flashlight. Even after the initial starter items have been used.
A Flare gun has been added to the game.
A server hopping fix has been added to the game. Please see our dev diaries for a detailed explanation tomorrow morning (1/18/13).
Added the ability to remove the game hud by pressing F12 while in game.
It is now possible to turn the flash light off while wielding it. Press F to toggle the flashlight on and off.
The in game map will now properly zoom in and out.
Toxicity has been added to the game. Please see our dev diaries for a detailed explanation tomorrow morning (1/18/13).
Update backpacks weights - Reduced max backpack weight. Just to be safe put everything in your GI before patch. If you are too heavy you will not be able to move.
GC transaction log has been added (in marketplace there will be button to check your GC statement)
Memory optimizations
Fixed a bug that had characters set to revive at 99hrs.
The targeting reticle has been changed back to a cross.
Overgrowth has been added to main city structures. This is still a work in progress.
Added a bunch of furniture to the interior of some buildings and houses.
Opened up the interiors of some additional buildings. We will be adding a lot more in the future as well!
Added Mini Saints snacks to the game.

deci le-a luat jumatate de an sa inventeze zoomul la harta? micsoreaza backpack-ul ca sa bage ei pe viitor back pack premium in magazinul lor? dar e ok a bagat un nou baton de ciocolata precum si un pistol ca sa ai cu ce sa iti semnalezi pozitia intr-un joc in care trebuie sa fi cat mai discret posibil. Daca nu pun si pantofi cu toc cu care sa ramai intepenit cand mergi prin iarba nu au facut nimic.
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 1141
Varsta : 50
Location : Bucharest
Lungimea cozii : 1719
M.P.G.S. (Most popular girl in school) : 10
Data de inscriere : 21/09/2011

Pach in stil Saidin Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Pach in stil Saidin   Pach in stil Saidin I_icon_minitimeVin Ian 18, 2013 10:26 am

au incasat deja banii, nu cred ca-i mai intereseaza.

Dar chiar si daca l-ar face cum trebuie, inclin sa cred ca problema la genul asta de joc sint playerii. Oricit de bun ar fi jocul, nu e admisibil ca eu in loc sa ma lupt cu zombies (asta era scopul parca, nu?) sa-mi fie frica in primul rind de playeri, mai ales ca pierzi tot cind mori.
Mai degraba ar face servere mici, pina in 10 insi si ar incuraja coopul, asta ar rezolva multe din probleme, inclusiv hackerii.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1846
Varsta : 42
Location : Constanta
Lungimea cozii : 2609
M.P.G.S. (Most popular girl in school) : 6
Data de inscriere : 18/05/2008

Pach in stil Saidin Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Pach in stil Saidin   Pach in stil Saidin I_icon_minitimeVin Ian 18, 2013 11:51 am

pai in day z sunt servere PvE si cei care impusca jucatori sunt raportati si banati, e ok sa te mai si impusti , problema in sensul acesta e cu spawnul in acelasi punct. Am jucat pe dayz pe server inchis unde erau vre-o 15 playeri si un bandit si cand intra ala se golea serverul, si aveam vre-o 4 baze si in fiecare erau 5 masini si arme si alimente fara numar, si parca devenea monoton. E ok asa sa faci baze, cativa amici sa strangeti lucruri, dar sa fie si ceva jucatori straini sa ai pe cine sa iei in catare. Smile))
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Pach in stil Saidin Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Pach in stil Saidin   Pach in stil Saidin I_icon_minitime

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Pach in stil Saidin
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